Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Kiama [Berry & Kangaroo Valley] – 12 to 15 February 2012

2012.02.13 at 17h31m33s Kiama2012.02.13 at 17h52m20s KiamaWe drove to Easts Beach Camping Park in Kiama. Tricia had a sore back and was glad to find a very good masseur as part of the spa complex at the caravan park.  The beach at the caravan park is lovely and very safe.

We took the coastal walk North from the campsite to the little Blowhole and South from the campsite along the headlands.  We also visited The Blowhole which is right by the town of Kiama.

2012.02.13 at 14h22m32s Kiama-4We drove to Berry an historic town which has a lovely deli Cafe with great coffee. From there we drove up to Kangaroo Valley, a very popular, scenic holiday destination.

2012.02.14 at 13h44m59s Kangaroo Valley2012.02.14 at 13h37m35s Kangaroo Valley

We both got leeches on our feet walking through the rainforest to see an old cemetery.

Alongside the road on the verge there are masses of lilies in flower. They seem to grow the whole length of the Princes Highway in New South Wales.
We visited the Cambewarra Mountain Lookout with a magnificent vista of the coast towards the Shoalhaven River.

2012.02.14 at 15h11m27s Cambewarra2012.01.29 at 16h12m07s Trial Bay Gaol

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sydney [Narrabeen] – 1 to 12 February 2012

2012.02.09 at 15h33m31s Sydney - 12-02 NSW2012.02.09 at 10h46m05s Sydney - 12-02 NSWFrom Anna Bay we drove to Sydney for meetings and to visit friends.  Our campsite was at Narrabeen. This council camping park was an unexpected delight on the mouth of the Narrabeen lagoon in Sydney's Northern Beaches.

Our first trip into Sydney was by car, but it is a challenge to find parking for our 4WD.  With the spare tyres on its roof it exceeded most of the height restrictions in city  parking lots. Thereafter our trips to Sydney were by bus and Manly Ferry, a much more 2012.02.10 at 19h43m27s Narrabeen - 12-02 NSWrelaxing trip of about an hour and a half.  The view from the ferry is an added bonus.2012.02.11 at 11h02m28s Narrabeen - 12-02 NSW

In between times we walked around the locality which is beautiful and swam in the ocean pool built on the rock ledge at the edge of the surf.

We have two favorite Restaurants, the Ocean Bay Café and Restaurant, which was opposite the campsite, and the Narrow Bean in Narrabeen itself. We both enjoyed rejoining café society.

2012.02.11 at 11h25m16s Narrabeen - 12-02 NSW

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Yamba, South West Rocks & Anna Bay – 29 to 31 January 2012

2012.01.29 at 15h44m06s Trial Bay Gaol2012.01.29 at 07h58m13s Yamba - 12-01 NSWWith all the rain we started south, deciding to drive as far as we could. As it was a wet Sunday with no one on the road it was a good driving day. The road was cut at Grafton so when we got to Yamba, a previous favourite, [see our post of 20 to 24 March 2011] we stopped at the Blue Dolphin Caravan Park and enjoyed the  lovely view over the Estuary of the River Clarence.

The next day the River having subsided temporarily, we were allowed a shortcut around Grafton and drove to South West Rocks a town on Trial Bay named after the brig Trial which was wrecked nearby in 1817.  2012.01.29 at 16h42m47s Smokey Cape Lighthouse2012.01.29 at 16h44m11s Smokey Cape Lighthouse

The many wrecks in the area and the recognition of Trial Bay as a safe refuge for shipping against strong southerly gales led to the decision to construct a breakwater to provide a safe harbor.

Trial Bay Gaol was constructed to house prisoners who would then build the breakwater. This was intended as an experiment in a humane way of rehabilitating prisoners. The job was much harder and thus slower than expected as the granite was extremely hard and only 300m of breakwater was actually constructed before more powerful ships avoided the need for a coastal refuge between Newcastle and Brisbane. The Goal was used to house German internees during WW1, 2012.01.29 at 16h43m18s Smokey Cape Lighthouseand became a thriving place for sport and culture with its own Restaurant. Trial Bay Gaol closed in 1918 and as it had no foreseeable future it was 2012.01.29 at 16h46m40s Smokey Cape Lighthouseallowed to become the [now preserved] ruin seen today.

We also visited Smoky Cape Lighthouse, its stunning views and lighthouse keeper’s house made more dramatic by a scudding rain storm which kept us huddled in the old barn housing exhibits of the lighthouse until the storm passed.

From South West Rocks we drove to Anna Bay near Port Stephens. On the way we stopped at the Akubra factory at Kempsey.  John found a new hat in the colour he wanted and we were offered a tour of the factory.

Anna Bay is a lovely Beachfront location sheltered behind dunes. We had some lovely walks.

2012.01.31 at 11h59m26s Anna Bay

2012.01.30 at 11h13m47s Akubra Kempsey

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mooloolaba–21 to 29 January 2012

2012.01.25 at 06h35m58s Mooloolaba - 12-01 QueenslandMooloolaba was hot, steamy, rainy and windy. The winds were so strong they whipped the sea into a foam, like froth on a cappuccino and great fun to walk in. We both enjoyed walking in the storms.

So much sand was stirred up the sea went strangely yellow.

It is quiet at this time because this is the wet season. We have seen Mooloolaba in all seasons now and we still like it.  The weather this summer was extreme, with a lot of rain. Visitors to Australia often are surprised that summer in Northern Australia is the wet season, when it is both wet and hot. Winter is milder and dry, and is when most Australian’s travel north.2012.01.25 at 14h44m07s Mooloolaba - 12-01 Queensland, Trish

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

USA, Canada, and Hong Kong–15 November 2011 to 18 January 2012

We returned to the US for Thanksgiving.

We spent Christmas in Buffalo, helping Chris and Monica with their new daughter. The whole family came to Buffalo for Christmas which was a great pleasure.

At year’s end we moved to Niagara Falls and spent time there as John had a meeting in Toronto in early January.  We walked a lot, visited the conservatory where they grow all the plants for the Niagara Park. We visited Niagara on the Lake and the Butterfly House with Jeremy and Chris.The illuminations along the Niagara Parkway were lovely.

2012.01.27 at 15h52m25s Bushtracker, Mooloolaba - 12-01 QueenslandWe flew out of Toronto and returned to Mooloolaba via Hong Kong. It is always a pleasure to be back in Asia and we enjoy Hong Kong very much. We walked along the waterfront, visited a friend and enjoyed the view of the Harbour from our Hotel.

Then we returned to Australia, visited Geoff and Sue and then reunited with our caravan at Mooloolaba.

Monday, November 14, 2011

USA and United Kingdom–5 October to 14 November 2011

2011.10.26 at 21h19m29s TyntesfieldWe returned to Washington for some meetings and then flew to London, in John’s quest to see a bit of the world which he had visited so often he thought it was all airport lounges and meeting rooms. 
In London we visited the National Art Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery, saw a west end show and caught up with friends.
We visited our friends in Bristol, doing among other things, a lovely walk through the Welsh country side with a great pub lunch and visiting Tyntesfield a grand mansion, now belonging to the National Trust.

We then followed the Capital City route through the North of England. This is from the Lonely Planet Guide.  All the cities, Cardiff, Caernarvon, Manchester, York, Edinburgh and Stirling  were capitals at sometime. 
2011.10.31 at 02h20m09s Caernarfon
2011.11.05 at 01h53m07s Edinburgh2011.11.06 at 21h49m09s Carlisle Castle
Travelling south we visited Castle Howard, Goathead Rail Station [made famous by Harry Potter]  and Whitby. Having seen many of Captain Cook’s destinations we wanted to see  the town closely associated with him and his ship Endeavour. It was a gray and misty day and quite different to Cooktown half a world away.

2011.11.08 at 23h55m05s Castle Howard2011.11.08 at 21h38m36s Goathead Rail Station
We spent time in Oxford with John’s Aunt Mollie and catching up with friends who were over from Australia. While there we visited Blenheim Palace and  Bletchley Park where we saw the home of the Enigma machines used to break the German codes in World War II.  A lot of things happened at Bletchley and it provided a fascinating day. The first computer in the world was built there. A lot of the actual machines were destroyed after the war but they are being returned to working order by a band of enthusiasts.
2011.11.10 at 22h00m22s Blenheim Palace

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Maroochydore & Mooloolaba–27 September to 5 October 2011

2011.10.02 at 11h46m17s Boerkamp's, Mooloolaba - 11-10 Queensland, Staziuk'sMooloolaba being unavailable we stopped at the Maroochy Palms Caravan Park in Maroochydore  for John to meet his date with dental destiny.

Our Melbourne dentist had recommended a very good dentist at Kawana and John had his dental problems fixed. 

Tricia was exceedingly glad we had taken a medical travel kit with us as we were able to treat John’s infected tooth in spite of being in very remote areas, continue our travels and get to a dentist of our choice.2011.10.02 at 08h53m39s Boerkamp's, Mooloolaba - 11-10 Queensland, Staziuk's




2011.10.02 at 08h50m40s Boerkamp's, Mooloolaba - 11-10 QueenslandMaroochydore is a nice place and has a pleasant walk along the river. We like to bike ride there.

From Maroochydore we drove the 5 kms to our prebooked site at Mooloolaba to pack up our van prior to leaving Australia. Once again we enjoyed it very much.  Some of our friends from Melbourne came to visit and we had a great weekend. They stayed in an apartment but we think we have the better location right on the foreshore.

We left on 5 October for the United States.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hervey Bay [Whale Watching] – 25 to 27 September 2011

2011.09.26 at 15h12m55s Hervey Bay2011.09.26 at 15h16m45s Hervey Bay2011.09.26 at 15h44m32s Hervey Bay-8We schedule in a rest day now and then, so on the 26th we went Whale Watching on the Wind Song Whale tour. We were very lucky as the whales were playing and we saw them breaching, slapping the water with their tails and waving their pectoral fins. There was a female with her calf and support whale.

It is awesome to see 25 tons of Hump Back whale fly through the air. We also saw the calf breaching. It was so cute all 2 tons of it. 2011.09.26 at 15h12m10s Hervey Bay

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Rockhampton to Hervey Bay–24 to 25 September 2011

2011.09.25 at 08h55m47s RockhamptonWe left Midge Point travelling south on the Bruce Highway to Rockhampton, stopping for lunch at Flaggy Rock Ice Creamery which has good home made food and easy parking. We stayed overnight at Rockhampton at the Tropical Wanderer Resort.

Rockhampton is caravan friendly with a good supermarket complex.  Kershaw Gardens is nice for a self catered lunch.  We had dinner at Saigon on the River which is a very good quality Chinese Restaurant.2011.09.25 at 09h02m00s Rockhampton

The next day we drove to Hervey Bay stopping  for morning tea at Calliope Market. This is amazingly busy. They have good products and good coffee.
2011.09.25 at 12h36m30s Miriam ValeWe had lunch at Miriam. The Star Roadhouse at the Northern end of Miriam has home made bakery products, mud crab sandwiches made with their own bread and good coffee. The nice thing to do is to drive into Miriam Main Street which is off the Bruce Highway and have lunch on the railway reservation under a tree. Parking is easy.

Childers is an attractive town for an afternoon tea stop. Mammino Ice cream has a shop there which sells ice-creams and coffee. Parking is easy and it is a good break. We stayed at the Big 4 Fraser Lodge in Torquay near Hervey Bay.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Midge Point [Proserpine & Whitsundays] - 17 to 24 September 2011

2011.09.17 at 15h48m13s Midge Point - 11-09 Queensland2011.09.22 at 13h36m06s Midge Point - 11-09 QueenslandWe returned to the Travellers Rest at Midge Point. It is so quiet and we have our resident wallabies and kookaburras.

The great joy here is the large tide range and at low tide one can walk for miles on the sandbars. It is good to have an accurate tide chart as the tide comes in rapidly and in half an hour dry sand can be up to your waist in water.


 2011.09.23 at 13h33m37s Midge Point - 11-09 Queensland2011.09.23 at 07h52m19s Midge Point - 11-09 Queensland2011.09.22 at 13h57m57s Midge Point - 11-09 Queensland
2011.09.22 at 13h33m35s Midge Point - 11-09 Queensland

The Japanese earthquake meant a shortage of Toyota parts, and although Toyota’s customer support was excellent in locating dealers with the brake pads and protective rubber boots we needed after two years on the road, it did mean our our travel schedule became a tour of Toyota Dealers in Cairns and Townsville with the front brakes pads finally replaced in Proserpine.

2011.09.19 at 14h02m29s Proserpine2011.09.19 at 13h53m29s ProserpineThis is a small cane town. The Sugar Mill has been running since 1897. The mill now uses the cane waste (bagasse) to power its operation with a small amount sold back to the grid, making it extremely energy efficient.  What is coming out of the chimneys is steam. All the sugar produced is exported. Tricia thinks this is a good example of when you convince people of the need to change they do without government intervention. It is a win win situation for everyone. 
2011.09.21 at 11h59m45s Airlie BeachWe went in to Aireys Inlet to have our camp chairs repaired at a sail loft. While we waited we drove to Shute Harbor the takeoff for the Islands in the Whitsundays. Captain Cook named the Whitsunday Passage as he thought he was sailing through on Whitsunday. Owing to an error in his log he was actually sailing through on Whit-Monday. The islands are in the Cumberland group of Islands.

Some of the Islands of the Whitsundays are very popular Resorts and the area is also very popular for sailing.

We had lunch by the lagoon, protective from marine stingers (jelly fish) at a lovely pizzeria.2011.09.21 at 13h58m53s Airlie Beach

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Rolling Stone–13 to 17 September 2011

2011.09.14 at 16h37m33s Rollingstone Beach2011.09.14 at 14h13m01s Rollingstone BeachRolling Stone is a new caravan Park about 40 kilometers north of Townsville. It has a great location right on the beach.  At high tide one feels like one is on a boat.

We spent a day in Townsville getting the CV Boots replaced on our car.  While we were waiting we toured the CBD.

There was strong competition to become a Capital here with the contenders being Cooktown, Cairns and Townsville. Townsville is now the Capital of North Queensland. 2011.09.17 at 06h31m48s Rollingstone Beach2011.09.15 at 15h21m58s Townsville - 11-09 Queensland

The Railway helped it to become preeminent and provide service to the inland towns. Once it was possible to freeze meat and transport it safely, it was possible to ship frozen beef overseas. This enabled the opening of the hinterland.

Townsville was a major staging Post during WW2 and many soldiers passed through here. The Railway Station was extremely busy. Sea was considered unsafe so everything went by rail. The fleets fighting in the Pacific and the Coral Sea sheltered in Cleveland Bay while they were awaiting engagement with the Japanese Fleet.

In the words of our guide, they walloped the Japanese Fleet in the Battle of the Coral Sea.
2011.09.16 at 11h03m38s Magnetic Island
2011.09.16 at 14h13m24s Magnetic IslandWe spent a day on Magnetic Island. Magnetic Island is so named because Captain Cook thought it interfered with his compasses. However extensive research failed to prove this.
It is funny though how one slows down and moves immediately onto Island time so maybe that is what happened to Cook. We did an interesting tour to see around the Island which is at present a quiet and pleasant holiday back water with appealing Restaurants. Magnetic Island was a defensive location during WW2 as it overlooked Cleveland Bay.

2011.09.16 at 18h00m54s Magnetic IslandThere are gun emplacements now minus the guns, built to protect the American Fleet.

These are the first forts not protecting us against the Russians. Later as the War moved North the 'Resort' such as it was, was commandeered by the Americans for Rest and Recreation. The Americans were responsible for the roads which replaced the footpaths and travel by boat.

The ferry trip to and fro is an enjoyable journey with the evening trip right on sunset.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

South Mission Beach–9 to 13 September 2011

2011.09.09 at 10h39m20s Mourilyan Sugar Museum2011.09.09 at 11h46m54s Mourilyan Sugar MuseumStill going South we visited the Sugar Museum at Mourilyan.

Sugar is extracted by crushing Sugar Cane, a form of grass. Sugar is made in the leaves and concentrated in the stem (or cane) part of the grass; it grows to about 2 meters high.

It is quite hard to cut and very heavy to load and most of the museum concentrated on the development of mechanical cutters and loaders.

It is the major crop from Mossman south to Grafton. They are harvesting and refining at the moment and the air smells like toffee cooking.

2011.09.13 at 09h45m54s South Mission Beach - 11-09 QueenslandWe then drove south to Mission Beach, one of the nicest beaches in Australia. We camped at South Mission Beach. We have enjoyed relaxing and reading and long walks on the Beach.

Mission Beach took a direct hit from Cyclone Yasi. The beach is still lovely and the houses seem to have mostly survived.
We stayed at the Beachcomber Coconut Park.

The cafe here makes very nice coffee. If one walks along the beach towards Wongaling for about 40 minutes there is a great cafe, Nana Thai, just the sort you hope to find, home grown herbs and veggies and very refined cooking right on the Beach. If one doesn't feel like walking it is a five minute drive.2011.09.12 at 18h19m42s South Mission Beach - 11-09 Queensland

Friday, September 9, 2011

Innisfail and Flying Fish Point–7 to 9 September 2011

2011.09.08 at 14h53m27s Innisfail - 11-09 Queensland2011.09.08 at 14h40m14s Innisfail - 11-09 QueenslandWe drove to Innisfail with its lovely Art Deco Buildings making for a  pleasant afternoons walk around town. It is very caravan friendly and one can park easily by the river and have a cup of coffee at the Coffee Club overlooking the River. If you are in transit it is easy to walk down to the town and get groceries. We found it very easy to while away an afternoon overlooking the North Johnstone River and sipping a cup of coffee while we read the paper.

We camped out of Innisfail at the Flying Fish Point Tourist Park. Owners and Managers often love their parks and take great pride in the amenity they offer. They are frequently nicer to use than some hotels we have stayed at.   Although originally an old fashioned council park, The Flying Fish Tourist Park is beautifully landscaped and had their sites set at an approximately 45 degree angle to the road, making it very easy to back in and giving everyone privacy as one does not look directly at the camp next door.

2011.09.09 at 09h32m00s Flying Fish PointThe amenities although old style concrete blockwork, had beautiful plants at the door and a very attractive paint job on the spacious interior.  They were spotlessly clean.
2011.09.08 at 11h20m25s MaMu Canopy Walkway





The area had recently been affected by Cyclone Yasi. Although they are still repairing the foreshore there is a very pleasant walk to Flying Fish point.

2011.09.08 at 10h25m51s MaMu Canopy Walkway







We did the MAMU Rainforest Canopy walk. This is in the Wooroonoonan national Park. The walk was erected where cyclone Larry had cleared the land already in 2006 so there was minimum disruption to the rainforest.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cairns–29 August to 6 September 2011

2011.09.03 at 07h42m22s Bushtracker, Cairns - 11-08 Queensland, LandcruiserWe like Cairns as it has a lovely caravan park and nice Restaurants.

As the service town for Far North Queensland it has good tradesmen close together making it a good place to clean up after a long trip.

We had the car, the air conditioner and refrigerators serviced and had an extra diesel filter put in the fuel line.  John also fitted integrated “Clear View” towing mirrors.

We found a truck wash so John could do a first clean of the exterior of the caravan before giving it a thorough hand clean to get the red dust off. 

Tricia washed the curtains and spring cleaned the inside of the van.
2011.09.04 at 14h47m45s Port Douglas - 11-09 QueenslandWe spent a day driving the remaining portion of the Bloomfield Track from Cairns to Cape Tribulation. This section is bitumen and so quite an easy drive, although you can see its dirt road antecedents and it is very narrow. Still we saw a Winnebago towing a car come down so it is suitable for large vans.

Port Douglas is one of the Ports established during the Palmer Gold Rushes, now an attractive and sophisticated tourist destination.2011.09.04 at 12h36m46s Port Douglas - 11-09 Queensland

We visited their local market and had lunch before crossing the Daintree River on the ferry.

2011.09.04 at 15h38m34s Cape TribulationThe Daintree and its environs was settled by hippies during the sixties and seventies and is now very appealing with a mix of conservation, sustainable farming and eco lodges to stay in. There are a large number of places to camp. 

We completed the drive up to Cape Tribulation and so closed the loop.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Tinaburra–25 to 27 August 2011

2011.08.26 at 18h05m07s TinaburraWe camped at the Lakeside Motor Inn and Caravan Park in Tinaburra where we had a lovely site overlooking the lake.

It is 3 kilometers from Yungaburra, a foodie destination on the Atherton Tablelands.

It has retained its historic streetscape and it is a nice walk in for lunch or dinner. There is a wonderful French Café, Flynn's run by a New Zealander.

2011.08.29 at 09h09m32s Yungaburra - 11-08 Queensland

2011.08.29 at 09h15m07s Yungaburra - 11-08 Queensland

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Chillagoe–22 to 24 August 2011

2011.08.22 at 09h32m44s Lakeland2011.08.22 at 09h39m32s Lakeland

From Cooktown we drove to Chillagoe, stopping at Lakeland for a coffee and to wash the dust and seeds from the Landcruiser and the Bushtracker before proceeding further south to Chillagoe.  We stopped for coffee at the coffee shop near the Caravan Park which has excellent local coffee, and sometimes hot Date Scones.  This is your last espresso till Weipa if going North.

Chillagoe is a “tidy town” winner. According to 'The Hub" tourist information centre as best as can be discovered it was named from a nonsense word in the Sea Shanty, “Jimpsy Dru Majibbity Hoy, Jobbity Hory Pory, Hikey, Pikey, Psyche, Crikey, Chillagoe Wabaredory".2011.08.23 at 10h52m48s Chillagoe

2011.08.24 at 09h05m36s Chillagoe, Donna Cave








2011.08.24 at 09h27m09s Donna Cave2011.08.24 at 09h37m44s Chillagoe, Donna Cave2011.08.23 at 11h38m42s Chillagoe, Trezkinn Cave2011.08.23 at 14h40m12s_2011.08.24 at 10h13m32s Balancing Rock, Chillagoe

A lot of this area was covered by an inland sea and the karsts are the remains of fringing coral reefs. As they are mostly limestone there are caves with lovely formations within.  Erosion has also given us the balancing rock. National Parks conducts tours of three caves, Donna, named for the Madonna figure one can see, Trezkinn and the Arches. There are three more that one is allowed to explore. All others are off limits.  Bats live within the caves and some beautiful fossil remains can be found in the limestone.

2011.08.23 at 15h53m50s Chillagoe


The mining boom in North Queensland opened the area to settlement by Europeans.  Chillagoe had deposits of copper, silver, lead, mica and some gold,  most requiring smelting to extract the minerals.  This was initially done on a small scale using blast furnaces but the completion of the railway from Mareeba to Chillagoe enabled the large scale, innovative Chillagoe Smelter to commence operations.

This smelter operated almost continuously from 1901 to 1943, with fluctuating fortunes and was bought by the Queensland government in 1919. It never made a profit but enabled development of this area by providing jobs, railways, shops and associated services like Hospitals and Schools.

In 1943 smelters were built closer to current ore producing areas such as Mt. Isa.

2011.08.24 at 11h27m40s Chillagoe2011.08.24 at 10h48m18s Chillagoe2011.08.24 at 11h07m49s Chillagoe

There is a really interesting collection of old Ford Cars and BP memorabilia owned by Tom Prior who is now classified as an “Australian Living Treasure”.  We spent a fascinating two hours talking to him and viewing his many old Fords, including Model T, Ford GT 351, Mustang and various trucks and a Ford built Jeep from WWII.   Trish quite liked the sign “MEN – They’re Like Tires.  It Never Hurts to Have a Spare!”

2011.08.24 at 12h10m23s Chillagoe2011.08.24 at 17h52m50s ChillagoeThe cemetery seems empty but there are many unmarked graves, here delineated by gravel and grave markers. The locals have put up a rotunda containing a list of all the people they know of who are buried there. In country like this people can die at private  mine workings or on the road and not be found for a long time if ever. Often there is nothing to indicate their identity so there is a list of grave markers for unknowns also.

The Chillagoe Tourist Park has a great swimming pool, up to Tricias neck at the shallow end. She had a happy half hour lap swimming.