Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mooloolaba–21 to 29 January 2012

2012.01.25 at 06h35m58s Mooloolaba - 12-01 QueenslandMooloolaba was hot, steamy, rainy and windy. The winds were so strong they whipped the sea into a foam, like froth on a cappuccino and great fun to walk in. We both enjoyed walking in the storms.

So much sand was stirred up the sea went strangely yellow.

It is quiet at this time because this is the wet season. We have seen Mooloolaba in all seasons now and we still like it.  The weather this summer was extreme, with a lot of rain. Visitors to Australia often are surprised that summer in Northern Australia is the wet season, when it is both wet and hot. Winter is milder and dry, and is when most Australian’s travel north.2012.01.25 at 14h44m07s Mooloolaba - 12-01 Queensland, Trish

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