Sunday, March 18, 2012

Walkerville to Healesville – 24 February to 17 March 2012

2012.02.24 at 13h23m13s KilcundaWe drove from Walkerville to Melbourne, stopping at Kilcunda on the way for lunch and a great swim in the roiling surf.  The surf break was so sandy our bathers were completely full of sand.

We had a break from the van in Melbourne while John did his Professional Development courses.2012.03.17 at 10h09m59s Healesville - 12-03 Vic

Then we returned to the Caravan Park in Healesville where we had originally set up the van for our travels.

After more than three years of faithful service our reversing camera had become temperamental and had to be replaced, although not before we discovered that Tricia could give John accurate guidance for hitching up without the camera, which is good to know for the future.

We serviced the Toyota in Healesville, and walked, enjoyed the lovely Yarra Valley, the wonderful Restaurants, and visited friends and relatives.

2012.03.05 at 18h59m11s Healesville - 12-03 Vic

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