Having rejoined the Gibb River Road we drove on in relative smoothness to Ellenbrae Station, now owned by Rino Grollo, and an oasis of scones and tea in the pastoral landscape. We loved the series of welcome signs as we drove up the entry road, and the welcome was indeed warm and friendly.
At the campsite were happy to see an old style “Donkey” hot water service, which reminded us of our first house. Being experts so to speak we fired it up in the morning for our hot showers, much to the delight of other campers, all of whom were foreign German, French,Dutch and Japanese tourists possibly intimidated by the imposing bulk and presence of the Donkey, like some dark sentinel in the middle of the camp kitchen.
We enjoyed our brief stay here, there is a nice waterhole by the campsite and we had the luxury of tea and scones before setting off in the morning.
I'm impressed you stopped every km top take photos of the signposts!
We actually took the photos on the way out of Ellenbrae, but it was still a stop each Kilometer.
John & Trish
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